This in turn affects the subtle body and making the physical body stronger. There are so many modalities to address distresses, those that lead to illness, it is really a sad state of the world that there are so many people relying on pills, and surgery and placing their lives in the hands of another.
Holistic health care puts the control back into the hands of the people. Instead of looking outside of themselves for a get quick health fix in the form of a pill, people can look within themselves and get connected with that part that has an innate knowing, that inner awareness for healing. Learn about all facets that can help, not hinder, a conventional approach to medicine. In taking this approach, society will become healthier, happier and take their lives, and livelihood into their own hands.
What is in an individual that can aid in healing? It is the inner light, that spark that is connected to the universe that connects all living things to the universe. The world, once more people begin to awaken to the truth of who they are, will become a much safer, more splendid place in which to live.
LeeAnn Martin