Bonnie Cehovet: What would you like people that use your deck to take away from it? What would you like them to get from this deck?
Karyn Easton: I would really love to think that this deck works for them. I spent literally hours pondering over the colors for this deck. There are subtle colour shifts that happen depending upon which card is being viewed. This is because sometimes the background colour of one card would not work with the foreground colors of another, so each background colour was carefully selected to compliment the subject matter of the foreground. The greatest compliment to me would be if people recognized this deck as being for people who just love Tarot – essentially Tarot Lovers’ who want a modern design of deck that was inspired by a few of the great classics.
Bonnie Cehovet: Can you tell us a bit about the artwork and symbolism used in this deck?
Karyn Easton: With regards to artwork, the cards are actually hand drawn (only because I’m not great with digital paint packages) hand crafting was much easier for me. I started by scribbling out a pencil layout then once I was happy with the design I would then tidy up the pencil drawing. Then once that process was complete I would use a black pen to outline the images. The symbolism for the deck was inspired primarily from the Visconti-Sforza deck, the Tarot de Marseilles and the Rider-Waite. However ultimately I based the symbolism on what a character said to me. The Empress for example, for me, would be a regal kind of lady; so I have drawn her on her thrown and she is banging her drum to call her children as she is a symbol for fertility. The Hermit is a simple figure who has a candle and a staff to prod his way in the dark should his candle blow out. His candlelight is fragile and subject to the elements in the same way as he is subject to the problems that surround him. Things for him could go either way. He needs to see the light and come back from his retreat before the candle dims or is blown out. The Strength card shows a lady that is so confident in her abilities that she has completely tamed not one but two lions. She is a slight, slim and elegant figure that has her lions clearly under control by the strength of her will and not by any physical ability.