LATAM : Foreign Investors Survey 2017 ttitude Consulting
Greater Attractions
Democratic stability and adherence to standards . Focused on attracting investment and protection of existing ones . 2013 investment : the highest since 1948 ( investment / GDP ). One of the most open to foreign direct investment in Latin America ( annual flows received : 5 % of GDP ).
Political Risks ?
No . Democracy is always solid . Respect for institutions . Union of parties in cases of crisis . All traditional parties for 180 years .
Adequate Labor Laws ?
Many aspects to improve . It should adapt legislation ( or its application ) to the current reality but this does not prevent investors from choosing Uruguay .
Adequate Transparency and Corruption Framework ?
Rankings of International Transparency and World Audit : Uruguay is the country with the lowest corruption in Latin America ( ranked 21 globally and 18 , respectively ).
Suitable Fiscal Framework for Foreign Investment ?
Yes . Equal treatment for foreign and local investments . Promotional regimes with significant tax benefits .
Proper Framework for Promotion and Mutual Investment Protection ?
Yes . Promotion of projects for $ 7,000 million since 2013 . Good investment protection ( long democratic tradition and respect for contracts ). Very transparent justice . Bilateral treaties with nearly 30 countries ( Canada , Germany , USA , Spain , France , England , Holland , Panama , Korea , Japan , Israel ...).
Advantages of Your country over Others in the Zone
Institutional stability , strong separation of powers , legal certainty , low level of corruption , education , equal treatment and protection of foreign investment with significant tax benefits . Ideally located at the end of the waterway ( outlet to the Atlantic ). World-famous port .
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