LATAM : Foreign Investors Survey 2017 ttitude Consulting
Greater Attractions
Economic and political stability . Gastronomy , tourism in Lima and in cities with high historical / cultural content like Cusco , Arequipa , Trujillo , Puno .
Political Risks ?
Apparent ( and hopefully permanent ) state of political calm after the presidential election of 2016 . At business level , given the known trajectory of the current president and the technical group that accompanies him , sensation of tranquility in social , economic and political issues .
Adequate Labor Laws ?
The legislation neither encourages nor discourages foreign investors . Still needs major revisions to give more benefits to employees but without transferring the costs directly to employers : should attract private investment without involving high personnel costs to not discourage formality in the workplace .
Adequate Transparency and Corruption Framework ?
No . Nothing has been changed with the new government and there are already cases of corruption , especially in the health sector , on which the current President has launched an anti-corruption campaign . It is too early to define whether it will have any real consequence or if it ’ s just a new failed strategy .
Suitable Fiscal Framework for Foreign Investment ?
No . The legislation is not defective but the competent authority ( SUNAT ) has no clear guidelines and objective criteria to determine clearly what should be the act of the undertakings as taxpayers .
Proper Framework for Promotion and Mutual Investment Protection ?
Growing sector that has presented favorable changes and continues to evolve positively . Signed numerous bilateral treaties .
Advantages of Your country over Others in the Zone
Economic stability with strong economic growth with an impact on the social , labor and investment sides . Political stability advantage for the investor given the serious political crisis in the region ( Venezuela , Brazil , Argentina recently , etc .).
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Positive Medium Risk Negative