Referencing requirements: n/a To build your skills in citing and referencing, and using different referencing styles, see the online tutorial Academic Integrity: Demystifying Citing and Referencing at Additional information: n/a Assessment task title: Revision of a Sample of Academic Writing Task Due date: 30th January 2017 Details of task: Short revision of a student's previously written work in an academic subject at university 1. Students select a section from a written assignment from a previous unit’s assessment. Based on what has been taught in ATS1340, students revise their assignment (eg: correcting grammatical errors, improving word choices, rewriting introductions /conclusions/body paragraphs for example, revising the writing's academic style etc) For each revision, students briefly justify /explain the reasons for the changes linked to the course’s material. A sample will be presented on Moodle to model the best format for this task. 2. If a student has not previously attended university, a suitable text will be provided for revision. 3. It is expected that the 600 word count will be achieved through the revision/rewriting of a number of passages and the brief commentary students provide alongside the changes. Obviously, the original text OR the references/citations for the text that is being amended DOES NOT CONTRIBUTE TO THE WORD COUNT. Release dates: 2nd January 2017 Word limit: 600 Value: 10% Presentation requirements:  ● Must be submitted as a single PDF file only 17 ATS1340 English for academic purposes - Summer semester B (SSB-01) - 2017