ATMS Journal Winter 2021 (Public Version) | Page 15

Figure 10 . Responses to the question of whether ATMS should advocate for AHPRA registration for ingestive modalities
( n = 8 respondents ), or ensuring that Advanced Diplomas covered necessary skills for successful and safe practice ( n = 6 ).
ATMS should advocate for the ingestive modalities to have national statutory registration and accreditation with AHPRA
Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
AHPRA registration for ingestive modalities
Question 17a was only asked of respondents who indicated that they were accredited with ATMS to practise Western Herbal Medicine , Naturopathy , Naturopathic Nutrition , Nutrition , Ayurveda , Homoeopathy or Tibetan Medicine . Respondents were asked to indicate their agreement or disagreement with the statement , ATMS should advocate for the ingestive modalities to have national statutory registration and accreditation with AHPRA , using a five-point Likert scale ( strongly disagree = 1 , disagree = 2 , neither agree nor disagree = 3 , agree = 4 , strongly agree = 5 ). A total of 407 respondents answered this question .
• Most respondents ( n = 251 , 61.7 %) agreed or strongly agreed with this statement , 22.6 % ( n = 92 ) disagreed or strongly disagreed , and 15.7 % ( n = 64 ) neither agreed nor disagreed ( Figure 10 ). n = 64 , 15.7 % n = 42 , 10.3 % n = 50 , 12.3 % n = 139 , 34.2 % n = 112 , 27.5 %
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Number of respondents ( n / 407 )
level of education that graduates of these programs should have from six choices ( Bachelor degree , Advanced Diploma , Diploma , Certificate IV , Other - please specify , No minimum standard should be set ). A total of 379 respondents answered this question ( Figure 11 ).
• Advanced Diploma was chosen as the minimal level of education by 45.9 % ( n = 174 ) respondents , followed by Bachelor degree ( n = 128 , 33.8 %) of respondents .
• Only 3.7 % ( n = 14 ) respondents chose ‘ other ’. Their free-text responses centred on ensuring ‘ grandfathering ’ for practitioners who trained before Bachelor degrees were available
AHPRA registration for tactile therapies not currently registered by AHPRA
Question 17b was only asked of respondents who indicated that they were accredited with ATMS to practice Traditional Thai Massage , Kinesiology , Lymphatic Drainage , Myotherapy , Myofascial Release , Polarity Therapy , Reflexology , Remedial Massage , Shiatsu , Trigger Point Dry Needling , Traditional Chinese Massage ( Tui Na ) or Bowen Therapy . Respondents were asked to indicate their agreement or disagreement with the statement ATMS should advocate for tactile therapies , including massage therapy and myotherapy , to have national statutory registration and accreditation with AHPRA , using a five-point Likert scale ( strongly disagree = 1 , disagree = 2 , neither agree nor disagree = 3 , agree = 4 , strongly agree = 5 ). A total of 751 respondents answered this question .
Figure 11 . Minimum levels of education for ingestive modalities and myotherapy
• Two-thirds of respondents ( n = 503 , 67 %) either strongly agreed or agreed with the statement . One-fifth ( n = 229 , 20.2 %) neither agreed nor disagreed with the statement ( Figure 12 ).
Minimum level of education for ingestive modalities and myotherapy
Question 17a was only asked of respondents who indicated that they were accredited with ATMS to practise Western Herbal Medicine , Naturopathy , Naturopathic Nutrition , Nutrition , Ayurveda , Homoeopathy , Tibetan Medicine or Myotherapy . Respondents were asked to indicate the minimum
No minimum standard should be set Other ( please specify )
Certificate IV Diploma
Advanced Diploma Bachelor Degree n = 2 , 0.5 % n = 14 , 3.7 % n = 1 , 0.3 % n = 60 , 15.8 % n = 174 , 45.9 % n = 128 , 33.8 %
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Number of respondents ( n / 379 )
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