ATL ARCHIVED February 2016 | Page 15

DeKalb MARKET ACTION REPORT County: Dekalb February 2016 Agent Name Title Phone Website Other Community Information | School District Price Range: $1,000,000 and Up | Properties: SFH - Condo Days On Market for Sold Properties Market Time The average Days On Market (DOM) shows how many days the average Property is on the market before it sells. An upward trend in DOM tends to indicate a move towards more of a Buyer's market, a downward trend a move towards more of a Seller's market. The DOM for February was 56, up 1.8% from 55 days last month and up 19.1% from 47 days in February of last year. The February 2016 DOM was at a mid level compared with February of 2015 and 2014. 250 Average Days on Market (Listing to Contract) for properties sold during the month 200 150 79 100 0 Selling Price vs Original Listing Price 110% 56 47 50 M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F 13 14 15 16 -101 The Selling Price vs Original Listing Price reveals the average amount that Sellers are agreeing to come down from their original list price. The lower the ratio is below 100% the more of a Buyer's market exists, a ratio at or above 100% indicates more of a Seller's market. The February 2016 Selling Price vs Original List Price of 96.1% was down from 97.0% last month and down from 98.3% in February of last year. 3 Mo Avg Selling Price versus Listing Price Ratio Avg Selling Price divided by Avg Listing Price for sold properties during the month 3 Mo Avg 105% 98.3% 100% 96.1% 95.0% 95% 90% 85% M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F 13 14 15 16 Inventory / New Listings / Sales 40 30 20 Sales 70 69 65 63 61 65 69 62 57 62 62 54 50 56 63 60 New Listings 43 44 42 44 This last view of the market combines monthly inventory of Properties for sale along with New Listings and Sales. The graph shows the basic annual seasonality of the market as well as the relationship between these items. The number of New Listings in February 2016 was 21, up 50.0% from 14 last month and up 16.7% from 18 in February of last year. Inventory 70 36 39 39 37 36 38 36 36 32 34 35 37 43 43 42 39 37 46 Inventory / New Listings / Sales 80 10 0 M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F 13 14 15 16 Copyright © Coldwell Banker | Price Range: $1,000,000 and Up | Property Types: SFH - Condo Data is provided courtesy of First Multiple Listing Service: FMLS Atlanta, Georgia 1 and may not reflect all relevant real estate activity. Coldwell Banker does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. It is the responsibility of any buyer or seller to verify any and all information relevant to such consumer’s real estate transaction. c o l dw el l b a n k er h o m es.c o m | 15