atHOME Victoria Issue 1 Feb. 2015 | Page 44

THE WINE LIST BY: STUART BROWN | WINE EXPERT W hile growing up in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, I had only a sliver of an idea of what an amazing area of the world I was living in. I naively thought that every other place on this planet was blessed with fresh air, beautifully clean oceans and surrounded by exciting mountain terrain and vast valleys of lush, fertile land. My surroundings became more pronounced and the beauty more evident as I grew older, moved to the Pemberton Valley and later to Victoria. When I arrived in Victoria, about 12 years ago, I was completely unaware of the bounty of natural richness Vancouver Island possesses. My studies of wine and food took a quantum leap forward as I explored agriculture, sea life and local products created by local producers. Then I saw the wineries. Who knew there were wineries here? My first lesson was that Vancouver Island wine tastes like Vancouver Island wine. It doesn’t taste like Napa, or Argentina, or Bordeaux wines because it is made with Vancouver Island fruit. And what wonderful fruit we have on the Island! Yes, it is easier to grow and ripen fruit in other locations, like the Okanagan Valley, but the fruit we do ripen and the flavours they 42 express are fantastic. The wine we make from this lovely fruit, pairs so well with the cuisine that is locally sourced and served. A foodie’s heaven on earth! One of my favourite wineries on Vancouver Island is Averill Creek. A family run, 40+ acre estate winery on the side of Mount Prevost in the beautiful Cowichan Valley that has consistently made excellent, terroir driven wines. This is the project of Andy and Wendy Johnston, and their team of winery and vineyard professionals that have worked gently with the land since 2001. While continuing to improve every vintage, they ripen some fabulous fruit and make world class wines that truly express Appellation Vancouver Island. When you (and maybe a group of friends) visit this gravity flow, Vasco Pavlov designed winery, make sure you visit the tasting room and bring a picnic to enjoy on the garden patio. The views are endless and you might feel like you are in Europe!