AST September 2019 Magazine Sept 2019 Magazine | Page 18
B.L.A.C.K. is structured to gent issues) September 2019 - Edition 37
help the individual identify his
or her character traits, the train- • A – Assertive (taking decisive ac-
tions without “confrontation or ag-
ing does not need to be reestab-
lished each time there is a change
in organizational structure or roles • C – Contact (creating positive con-
within an organization.
nections, regardless of how abhor-
rent the situation)
Once the investment is made it
continues with the individual • K – Knowledge (having confi-
throughout their career.
dence that your skill sets are ade-
The five pillars that make up quate for every situation, whether
routine or outside the norm).
the B.L.A.C.K.
synonym are:
• B – Behavior
(learning one’s
own leadership
style to become
more effective in
creating team ef-
• L – Learning
(developing tac-
tical and stra-
tegic skills for
interacting with
people and con-
fronting emer-