AST September 2019 Magazine Sept 2019 Magazine | Page 17 McClelland Iceberg Model Individuals are able to develop from the individual level to the depart- ment/division and corporate levels; develop personal skill sets that en- courage their “good” traits and help them eliminate or de-empha- size the “bad”. By promoting each individual’s ability to lead or follow when necessary within the group this in- creases the structural dynamics of the organization. Throughout history the greatest achievements have been made through leadership, and there’s no reason to believe the future will be any different. September 2019 - Edition 37 Through the B.L.A.C.K. methodol- ogy attendees obtain transforma- tive skills they will need for future organizational success by inspir- ing them to acknowledge their own personal behavior traits. By doing so, they gain confidence in their own abilities and their tal- ents to motivate team members “toward greater things”. B.L.A.C.K. trains the attendee to draw on internal resources to get the best results out of cir- cumstances that are often out of their immediate control. 15