Volume 19
• Traditionally , perimeter security required an extensive design skill set in civil trades to cover needs for remote power , poles for lighting and mounting cameras and communication infrastructure such as switches and routers which is costly in terms of labor for installation time to meet deployment timeframes .
January 2018 Edition
SOLARIS Active Infrared Beam The SOLARIS self-contained infrared barrier columns form a “ virtual ” ( invisible ) wall / fence to detect unwanted intrusions .
Powered by a solar panel and highly efficient integrated battery , installation requires little to no civil engineering .
• PROTECH ’ s solar-powered and wireless systems reduce the need and cost of this once infrastructure intensive solution .
• PROTECH ’ s latest technologies offer seamless integration and bring disparate systems together , through a software platform .
‘ ASTOR ’ AWARD WINNING TECHNOLOGY PROTECH recently received the 2017 ‘ ASTORS ’ Gold Award for Best Perimeter Security System by American Security Today – for Solaris , a solarpowered , active infrared beam technology that is being deployed around the world , in various government installations .
This technology can cover miles of perimeter with little to no infrastructure – the value proposition is exceptional and the total cost of ownership has been greatly reduced .
Solar-powered , Wireless Infrared technology for perimeter protection
Communication occurs through a dynamic radio mesh network ( through proprietary protocol ) to and from all SOLARIS columns that transmit alarm information reliably and efficiently .
This communication uses the highly secure Advanced Encryption Standards ( AES 256 ).
Each SOLARIS column integrates a powerful radio transmitter / receiver with low power consumption .
When the infrared barrier sensor detects an intrusion , alarm information is collected by all nearby infrared columns that retransmit information automatically .
The alarm message is relayed to a radio coordinator connected to the MAXIBUS 3000 hub .
( See PROTECH ’ s SOLARIS high security wireless infrared barrier in action . Courtesy of SORHEA and YouTube )
The alarm center receives an intrusion alert notification .