AST Magazine January 2018 Digital-jan (1) | Page 23
Volume 19
• The technical solution is based on the lev-
el of security required.
• What physical deterrents, if any, exist to-
• For example, an existing fence line that a
detection system can be applied to or no
fence at all perhaps due to the need of
maintaining aesthetic integrity but still re-
quiring high security.
• The site’s landscape, layout and environ-
mental conditions are also important.
January 2018 Edition
tions which drastically reduce installa-
tion and maintenance time because no
underground cabling is required and
they have web-based maintenance.
• This will reduce the overall cost and To-
tal Cost of Ownership.
• Integration?
• With multiple technologies protecting the
perimeter, centralized monitoring is criti-
cal so having a headend, like PROTECH’s
Maxibus and soon to be introduced CON-
NECT module, one interface can manage
all incoming PROTECH surveillance tech-
• Open protocols are also becoming
the norm so choosing manufacturers
that can communicate with alternative
head-ends (other than only their own)
allows for easy management of surveil-
lance systems, regardless of manufac-
Existing infrastructure?
• To keep costs down, choosing technolo-
gies that integrate to existing systems is
• Communications between those account-
able for physical security and IT depart-
ments will ensure finite integration among
• Deployment and maintenance?
• There are intrusion detection technologies
that are cheaper to purchase but are more
expensive to install and maintain.
• For example, newer and more ad-
vanced technologies from PROTECH,
offer wireless and solar-powered op-
• Made in America?
• If Made in America is important to your
organization, be sure to ask where the
products/systems are manufactured and
• This will also impact delivery and main-
tenance schedules.
• Manufacturer innovation?
• Are you using or considering the latest
technologies? Physical security and pe-
rimeter systems, for the most part are ag-
ing and not all manufacturers are keeping
up with the latest in technology.