Volume 20 February 2018 Edition
Tech-savvy police departments across the country are exploring the implementation of an eBikes program to gain some of these benefits , and it ’ s crucial to know what to consider before purchasing .
Officers are still able to get into tight places and crowds , but now they can get there even faster .
When a call comes in , an officer can easily adjust the assist level into Turbo and quickly pedal up to 28 mph – that ’ s comparable with top Tour de France pro rider speeds on flat terrain , and 9 to 10 mph faster than an average rider .
Officers not only get to a scene faster – they also arrive stronger . challenging on a standard mountain bike .
The boost from the motor means an officer arrives at a scene less fatigued than he or she would be after powering a traditional bike at high speeds using just their legs , so they can use more energy for police work and less for pedaling .
eBikes also provide the opportunity to get more officers involved in bike patrol .
Officers who aren ’ t sold on the physical demands of traditional bicycling now can get out , patrol and engage with the community because of the assistance the eBike ’ s motor provides .
Traditional bicycles worked just fine when officers were patrolling smaller neighborhoods , but when GBPD officers had to patrol larger areas spread over several square miles , it could be
Even bike patrol officers who crave the physical challenge of riding can appreciate an eBike , because the beauty is that the rider can always choose how much assistance to get from it .
When an officer is cruising the town on standard patrol , he or she can have the motor assist on Eco ( boosting their leg power by 50 percent ), making the experience very similar to traditional bike riding , and increasing the eBike ’ s range to as high as 100 miles .
But when they need to get somewhere fast , they have the option to kick up the assistance level to Turbo – a 300 percent boost .
A less tangible – but no less important – effect of a police officer on an eBike is the approachability the bike affords .
Both kids and adults who might never approach an officer in a squad car will greet an officer on a bike , and the eBike ’ s motorized feature gives it an extra “ cool factor ” that serves as a conversation starter , helping the officers engage the community and get some face time with local citizens .
( The Green Bay Police Department have added a new tool to enhance their Bike Patrol . Courtesy of NBC 26 and YouTube . Posted on Oct 17 , 2017 )
Tech-savvy police departments across the country are exploring the 36