AST Magazine February 2018 final-feb-2018 | Page 34

Volume 20
February 2018 Edition
A new NFPA Technical Committee comprised of representatives from the Department of Homeland Security ; Department of Justice ; the FBI ; NSA ; national police , fire and EMS organizations ; hospitals ; private security ; and universities , was quickly formed .
Initial public comments on the issue were gathered in just four months ; the NFPA Standards Council unanimously approved the new standards project ; and development of NFPA 3000 began in June .
Active Shooter / Hostile Event Preparedness and Response
As more hostile events continue to occur around the world , it is critical for first responders , emergency personnel , facility managers , hospital officials , community members , and others to have the information they need to be prepared when attacks occur .
NFPA is developing a new standard – NFPA 3000 , Standard for Preparedness and Response to Active Shooter and / or Hostile Events – to address that need .
Learn more about the world ’ s first active shooter / hostile event standard by :
• Providing input on NFPA 3000
• Downloading and sharing a new fact sheet
• Accessing the full draft text of the proposed standard online for free , and by
• Following the development of NFPA 3000 via updates as soon as they are available
Is NFPA 3000 Only for the Fire Service ?
No , NFPA 3000 is for citizens , facilities , schools , health care , non-governmental organizations , law enforcement and other responders , city leaders , and emergency management .
All of these stakeholders need to be at the table and working together .
( Learn More about the NFPA , from NFPA President Jim Pauley at NFPA ’ s 2017 Conference & Expo in Boston . Courtesy of The National Fire Protection Association and YouTube . Posted on un 4 , 2017 )