AST Magazine February 2018 final-feb-2018 | Page 33
Volume 20
February 2018 Edition
A shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida left
49 dead and 58 wounded on June 12, 2016; a massacre
in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 1, 2017 killed 58 and
wounded 441; and less than 35 days later on November
5, a gunman took the lives of 27 and injured 20 more in
Sutherland, Texas.
NFPA President Jim Pauley
tating incidents.”
(WARNING: Contains Graphic Images. The shooting at a country mu-
sic festival in Las Vegas on Oct. 1, is being called the deadliest mass
shooting in recent American history. Here is a look at other shooting
sprees that killed dozens in the U.S. Courtesy of The Washington
Post and YouTube. Posted on Oct 2, 2017)
These numbers reflect a dramatic increase based on the
160 incidents, 486 deaths and 557 injuries (not includ-
ing suspect injuries or deaths) documented by the FBI
during the years 2000 through 2013.
Pauley added, “We were clearly hearing the need for such a stan-
dard from those on the frontlines.”
“Through this process, we are able to respond quickly to provide a
critical body of knowledge to those who are faced with such hor-
rendous events, ultimately making them and the public safer.”
NFPA 3000 establishes preparedness, response and
recovery benchmarks with a focus on integrated protocol,
and civilian and responder safety.
”Hostile events are happening with greater frequency and
ferocity today It’s critical that we take steps to protect people
from this increasing threat,” NFPA President Jim Pauley said. When issued, the standard will provide guidance for organizing,
managing, and sustaining an active preparedness and response
program so that the risk, effect, and impact of hostile events can be
“By employing the unified response outlined in NFPA 3000, first
responders, facility managers, hospital officials, and community
members can minimize risk before, during and after these devas- Efforts to establish NFPA 3000 began in October 2016, shortly after
the Pulse Nightclub incident.