AST June 2018 Magazine Volume 24 | Page 64

Volume 24 June 2018 Edition The Portal provides an avenue for quicker and more direct transfer of information between the IAEA and those national or regional authorities who choose to adopt this new method of communication. Encryption for enhanced security Considering the highly sen- sitive nature of the informa- tion exchanged between the Geoff Williams (of Australia, at right) and Douglas Tonkay (USA), director of the EM IAEA and States, the Portal Office of Waste Disposal, served as Vice-Presidents of the Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management features the highest level of and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. (Courtesy of IAEA) information security infra- “Nothing will go through the Portal without being en- structure. crypted.” “Confidentiality is a legal obligation, and protect- ing that confidentiality has been a central part of “States’ participation in this new initiative is complete- ly voluntary but encouraged,” Varjoranta emphasized. the planning for the Portal,” explained Rialhe. “It is in everyone’s interest to find efficient ways to en- able the IAEA to provide credible assurances that States are honoring their legal obligations.” MOSAIC ensures all confidential Safeguards information is well protected within an auton- omous IT environment. Alain Rialhe, Head of the Declared Information Analysis Section at the IAEA “The volume and variety of formats in information technologies have increased, as have the challeng- es of cybersecurity,” explained John Coyne, Direc- tor of the Office of Information and Communica- tion Systems, Department of Safeguards. 62