was 24 definitely a need to
modernize our IT and that is ex-
actly what MOSAIC has done.”
June 2018 Edition
“We are now fully ready to meet
the challenges of 21st century
Lead by Li Yuanjing the Senior Vice Pres-
ident of Nuctech, which originated out
of Tsinghua University, Beijing, is one of
the companies that participated in the
Second Technical Meeting on Radiation
Detection Instruments for Nuclear Secu-
rity of IAEA held in Vienna.
(Learn More about IAEA and Safeguarding the Nuclear Future.)
The conference topic was:
Trends, Challenges and Opportunities .
acteristics and application prospects of different types of
products of Nuctech in detail.
During the exhibition, the high purity germanium detector
The conference was aimed at gathering the profession-
attracted a great attention from the members of IAEA and
als, users, and manufacturers to discuss the emerging
industry professionals with its background of independent
threats and the development trends in the field of radi-
R&D and the leading capability of radiation detecting.
ation detecting.
Mr. Li communicated thoroughly with the leaders of the
bureau of radiation security of IAEA on deepen the coop-
eration of system maintenance and staff training, as well
as to participate in the global project of IAEA, and other
Widely known as the world’s “Atoms for Peace”
organization within the United Nations family,
the IAEA is the international centre for coopera-
tion in the nuclear field.
The Agency works with its Member States and multiple
On behalf of Nuctech, Li Yulan delivered a speech in which partners worldwide to promote the safe, secure and
she introduced Nuctech briefly, and introduced the char- peaceful use of nuclear technologies.