24 the basis for the IAEA’s nu-
clear verification work, which provides
assurances to the international commu-
nity that nuclear material remains in
peaceful use.
June 2018
The IAEA verifies the information
in Edition
declarations to determine if a State is ful-
filling its safeguards obligations.
Previously, these reports were delivered in
a number of predominantly paper-based
ways, such as post, fax, e-mail or in-person
The new State Declaration Portal, runs on a se-
delivery to IAEA headquarters in Vienna.
cure online network, saving both time and effort
in information exchange with Member States,
explained Tero Varjoranta, IAEA Deputy Director
General and Head of the Department of Safe-
“This process is normally quite lengthy and la-
bour intensive,” explained Alain Rialhe, Head of
the Declared Information Analysis Section at the
Safeguards declarations contain informa- “After we finish processing these declarations, we
tion about States’ nuclear material inven- provide comments and feedback to the State. And
tories and other related activities.
this could involve some back and forth.”
Experts in the Nuclear Material Laboratory use specialized tools to
carefully analyze samples of nuclear material as part of the safeguards
verification process. (Courtesy of IAEA)