AST June 2018 Magazine Volume 24 | Page 61

Volume 24 June 2018 Edition The IAEA ‘s new web-based new State Declaration Portal, a component of MOSAIC will streamlining the submission of safeguards declarations by States. These form the basis for the IAEA’s nuclear verification work, which provides assurances to the international community that nuclear material remains in peaceful use. Courtesy of IAEA. to increase and, with a static budget, improvements strengthened Safeguards information securi- in productivity and efficiency are key to maintaining ty – which is increasingly important to meet the quality and credibility of verification efforts. the growing number and complexity of cyber Processing such declarations and making the informa- tion available to IAEA experts used to be very time con- suming. Now, these can be analyzed immediately upon receipt. MOSAIC has also enabled the IAEA to digitize the hundreds of thousands of documents on its verification work—records the Agency must keep on file. “Before MOSAIC, we used to have to go to the filing room, but with MOSAIC it’s like a one-stop service,” said Lai San Chew, an IAEA Safeguards Inspector. “You just click and you can get the information on the com- puter. It saves a lot of time.” Work carried out as part of MOSAIC has also threats. IAEA State Declaration Portal One component of the IAEA’s MOSAIC pro- gram, upgrading the IT system, in addition to enhancing laboratories, enhancing analyt- ics, and advancing surveillance, involves the replacement of the old safeguards informa- tion system with a more modern and secure environment, enabling the IAEA to conduct safeguards activities in a more efficient and effective manner, by launching a new web- based system streamlining the submission of safeguards declarations by States. 59