Volume 24 concern is, who bears the At the same time, there is
2018 Edition
ognition that a return-on-investment ap-
proach is needed to determine levels of
The Secure Journeys Working Group, found-
spend by each stakeholder, considering
ed by SITA, is one forum through which par-
potential cost savings as well as security
ticipants across the air transport ecosystem
can collaborate on improving airport security improvements.
through the use of innovative technologies.
Just as all stakeholders involved in enabling a safe and
secure air travel passenger experience have a shared The US Government first required an auto-
responsibility to the passenger and to each other, the mated system to match arrival and depar-
cost of enhancing and facilitating security should not ture information in 1996.
fall on one entity, but be shared among all stakehold-
Following the 9/11 attacks, the requirement was
This is a topic that has already been explored
with some success – for example the TSA is help-
ing to fund airport improvements through its
facility modification other transaction agree-
ment (OTA).
strengthened to include biometrics. In Decem-
ber last year, the US supported the unanimous
adoption of a UN Security Council resolution to
increase aviation security further, including the
collection of biometric data from travelers.