Volume 24
June 2018 Edition
While biometrics and other technologies
offer great promise toward addressing
resource constraints and creating a bet-
ter and more secure passenger experi-
ence, widespread adoption will only be
achieved once concerns around privacy
and cost are successfully addressed.
+ Identity Association (IBIA) entitled ‘Setting
the Record Straight on Face Scans in Biometric
Exit’ noted that Biometric Exit is essential for
security and immigration and fully complies
with US Federal law.
They state that the pilots have been technically
sound, using technologies in use worldwide.
They also stress that the pilots are not a mission
creep towards government surveillance, that
they will not increase access to sensitive data by
private entities – such as airlines, airports and
technology companies – and that the technology
As a result, early adopters trialing biometric tech- has been proven internationally and by CBP.
nology (such as the JetBlue initiative detailed
above) have seen very high rates of voluntary par- Finally, IBIA noted a recent survey by IATA in which
the traveling public globally expressed their strong
ticipation by passengers.
support for biometrics and other technologies that
A 2017 report from the International Biometrics make air travel easier.
Airports, airlines, governments and technolo-
gy companies are building safeguards to bal-
ance privacy with security while improving the
passenger experience.