www . AmericanSecurityToday . com July 2022 - Edition 62 https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = 0-MWawpj _ Ig
( Supplemental Evacuation is a perfect solution for buildings above the reach of FD Ladder Trucks . What ' s your plan for escape ? Courtesy of the American Red Cross and YouTube .)
Evacuation Suits offer :
• Fire Protection
• Abrasion Protection
• Reduced fear of height for the victim
• Can be put on much faster with less confusion
• Doesn ’ t get tangled like oth- er harnesses
• Can be used with traditional rope rescue methods
The award-winning Guardian
Escape System is ideal solution for self evacuation & rescue solutions for anyone living or working above the 2nd floor , and are widely utilized in government buildings , em- bassies , barracks , and air traf- fic control centers .
The Guardian Escape System is also an ideal solution for self evacuation , assisted evacua- tion & rescue solutions for apart-