AST July 2022 PREVIEW Final 2022 'ASTORS' PREVIEW EDITION | Page 52

put on either yourself or other . Both HRES harnesses and Fire Resistant Evacuation Suits are attached to a harness with heavy-duty Kevlar thread and connects to the CDD with a high strength carabineer .

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com July 2022 - Edition 62

Designed with senior citizens , mobility impaired and the dis- abled communities in mind , they can also accomodate both a adult and child together if necessary and are made up of an Aluminized , Kevlar-style material that repels 95 % of ra- diant heat .

HRES Fire Resistant Evacuation Suits are especially effective for assisted evacuation & rescue solutions for hospitals , facilities for disabled persons , child care facilities and nursing homes . https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = dgZTd3X62jI

( Dyess AFB demonstrates their HRES fire escape system to safely lower personnel to the ground in case of an emergency . This device is much safer than stairs or elevators . Courtesy of Dyess AFB and YouTube .)