April 2020 - Edition 43
Security is enhanced in that the tials for large end-users.
credentials cannot be borrowed
Customers are demanding
or stolen.
faster, touchless solutions
And most importantly in today’s
world, no-touching means re- Jonathon draws on 20 years’
duced chance of transmitting experience and observes that
“ Large global companies are
So what can we learn from in- implementing non-tradition-
dustry professionals who have al credentialing methods like
studied these new trends?
this, and focusing in on total
cost of ownership rather than
We talked with two leading se-
just product acquisition cost.”
curity design consultants/en-
gineers and a major end user He sees a need for “…deeper
to get their vision for the future evaluation of ‘touchless/fric-
‘ touchless/fric-
of these technologies.
tionless’ credential technology.”
Jonathon Harris,
Harris Senior Con-
sultant at Guidepost Solu-
tions observes that “…new
designs are focusing on wid-
er adoption of mobile access
across other areas of day-to-
day life and the broader use
of non-badge related creden-
We are moving from a niche
area and fringe 'nice-to-have',
'nice-to-have' ,
to a sought after and strategic
investment for organizations.”
“Add to this trend the need for
clients to have a better under-
standing of where people have
moved/accessed within a se-