AST April 2020 Magazine AST Apr 2020 | Page 11 April 2019 - Edition 43 Once viewed as the future of access control, many traditional biometric “Touch” read- ers (ie.; ( ie.; fingerprint, palm reader, hand vascular readers) sometimes require even more direct contact than traditional access cards. cards . Once viewed as the future of access control, many tradition- al biometric “Touch” readers (ie.; fingerprint, palm reader, hand vascular readers) some- times require even more di- rect contact than traditional ac- cess cards. It seems that a number of new technologies are now available that ease or reduce most of the above mentioned throughput, security and health concerns. There are valid health con- cerns for the risks associated with all of the legacy authenti- cation types. Speed is improved (especial- ly in the case of facial or hand- wave) by the reduced need to pause and produce a card. card 11 Think of the facial recognition, recognition , iris scan, scan and hand wave read- ers currently offered in the mar- ket.