AST April 2018 Magazine AST April Magazine (3.30.18) | Page 52
An Volume
effective social
22 campaign can provide a company with
incredible ROI and exposure, with the potential to gain
even more publicity than other costlier tactics (advertising,
sponsorships, etc.)
April 2018 Edition
3 Ways to Stand Out on Social Media
at Security Industry Trade Shows
By Kevin Friedman, President, Maize Marketing
You may be asking yourself, “So what can I do to stand
out in this congested tradeshow environment?”
It wasn’t long ago that having a social media Here are three easy ways you can help your brand stand-
presence for your security brand was not seen out on social media during security trade shows:
as a necessity for most organizations.
1. Allow your Brand to Come Alive
Now that we have gotten a sense of just how powerful this
tool can be, it has transformed into much more than just a • One of the greatest advantages of social media is the
part-time project.
opportunity to become more personable with your au-
Social media has provided a forum in which both small • Being active on social media allows your brand to
and large-scale companies can engage with their audi-
adopt its own persona that reflects the mission state-
ences on an easy-to-use and familiar interface.
ment and values of your organization.
• Additionally, utilizing social networking in the right
With what seems to be a never-ending supply of content
way can humanize your brand image, giving it its own
at their disposal, consumers are becoming more informed,
personality and making it easier for you to disseminate
more analytical, and more conscious than ever.