AST April 2018 Magazine AST April Magazine (3.30.18) | Page 51
22 incidents with online and mobile report-
• Volume
Capture more
• Pre-screening question to distinguish actual bullying
• Customizable to fit your district
• Investigate
• Promote consistent reporting and investigating pro-
cess in your schools
• 24/7 access to incident data
Soter Technologies develops and delivers innovative
April 2018
solutions for environmental intelligence
– to make
world a safer place, from schools to enterprises to public
The company’s Digital Fly™ suite of school safety and secu-
rity tools includes software and applications that monitor
and prevent bullying, cyber- bullying, vaping and smoking
in schools.
Digital Fly’s Fly Sense Vaping and Bullying Detection sen-
• Prewritten templates and form letters
sor can pick up vaping in bathrooms and other areas of
• Glue Board is always on guard notifying you of trouble schools.
• Your district’s best practices and process built-in
• Manage your team and stakeholders
• Mitigate risk and ensure compliance
• Instant insights empower your school
From Report Through Resolution and Prevention
In New York it is now illegal to vape on school ground. The
sensor picks up vaping and smoking and alerts school of-
The sensor has no audio recording capabilities, measures
decibel (sound) levels in bathrooms or locker rooms. If
yelling, fighting or bullying takes place it then sends alerts
to school officials.
The sensor and system was installed by Intralogic Solutions
of Massapequa a leader in school security technology.
This sensor is an additional protection that Intralogic offers
to schools as part of comprehensive security technology
(Understanding Social Media posts from students and commu-
nities is critical for prevention and response to threats to schools
and potential student suicide or self-harm. Soter Technologies
explains their technology and tools for schools.)
For more information about the Digital Fly™ portfo-
lio of school safety solutions, including the Fly Sights (Learn About Digital Fly’s Fly Sense Vaping and Bullying Detec-
social media awareness platform and Fly Sense™ tion sensor)
bullying and vaping detector, visit http://www.d