( Global accounting firm Deloitte alongside 55 other MOVEit victims named by the Cl0p ransomware gang Wednesday , but Deloitte says the impact on its systems is limited . Courtesy of ProfessorBlackOps - CyberSecurity for the People and YouTube . Posted on Jul 31 , 2023 .)
and gas production . www . AmericanSecurityToday . com Summer 2023 - Edition 67
Most recently , on June 15th , Russian-backed cyberhack- ers used these vulnerabilities to their advantage .
Cyberhacking group CLOP hacked into the file-transfer service MOVEit , which affected
several U . S . government agencies , including the U . S . Depart- ment of Energy , compromising two of its entities .
It is crucial , then , for the U . S . government and its affiliates to implement new policies to combat these sophisticated cy- berattacks from foreign states . https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = frOu6x1uoPw
( Global accounting firm Deloitte alongside 55 other MOVEit victims named by the Cl0p ransomware gang Wednesday , but Deloitte says the impact on its systems is limited . Courtesy of ProfessorBlackOps - CyberSecurity for the People and YouTube . Posted on Jul 31 , 2023 .)