AST 2023 'ASTORS' Preview Edition AST 2023 'ASTORS' Preview Edition | Page 5

U . S . federal agencies , hospitals , universities , and private organizations across the globe have been targeted by a cyberattack . U . S . officials suspect the hackers belong to CLOP Ransomware , a group believed to operate from inside Russia . Courtesy of CBS Evening News and YouTube . Posted on Jun 15 , 2023 .)

in the vulnerable cybersecuri- ty systems of its highly coveted CRITIS and government agen- cies .

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com Summer 2023 - Edition 67

A recent U . S . Government Ac- countability Office report identified gaps and weak- nesses in the U . S . Department of Interior ’ s cybersecurity sys- tems , such as insufficient pass- word management practices and complexity requirements and not fully complying with applicable federal require- ments and guidelines .

These vulnerabilities leave the Interior susceptible to hack- ing of CRITIS that supports oil https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = Rg0lvX5bp1c

U . S . federal agencies , hospitals , universities , and private organizations across the globe have been targeted by a cyberattack . U . S . officials suspect the hackers belong to CLOP Ransomware , a group believed to operate from inside Russia . Courtesy of CBS Evening News and YouTube . Posted on Jun 15 , 2023 .)