( e . g ., VIP , event list , and infre- quent visitor vetting ).
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Furthermore , the handheld likewise matches credentials against negative watch lists .
Their handheld promptly dis- plays an individual ’ s status based upon the results of the scan ( typically in less than three seconds ), and that data is re- corded and available in reports to aid with investigations . the guess work out of visually verifying and inspecting identi- fication cards .
Together , the RAPIDGate ® and RAPID-RCx ® Programs have identified more than four mil- lion individuals attempting to access U . S . military installa- tions identified as ineligible or barred from facility access and have been used more than 650 million times by the US military .
The addition of this program al- lows security personnel to take
Also through the unparalleled vetting of these programs ,
Find an identity management solution for any situation with the Fortior Solutions RAPIDGate ® Program family of products .