Volume 30 2018 CHAMPIONS Edition Cellbusters • Gold ‘ASTORS’ Award Winner • Zone Protector (Cellu- lar and Cyber Detec- tion Sysem • Best Physical Threat In- telligence Solution • *Cellbusters is also a 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Award WInner Once cellular or appropriate RF activity is detected, the Zone Protector™ can be set to activate a choice of alerting options or to silently log all detected activity. Providing complete control and full visibility (pin- point breaches on facility map) of policy breaches, Cellbusters delivers real statistics and reporting from one or more Zone Protec- time protection with ac- tor™ devices. RUNNER ADVANCE, Award at ISC East tionable intelligence to secure and protect your Additionally, Zone Protector™ can deploy as a porta- ble or network device depending on your environ- facilities and assets, by ment. detecting  unauthorized Engineered to extremely high standards, the Zone cell phones, mobiles and other transmis- Protector™ offers excellent detection accuracy with sion devices and helping to eliminate con- virtually zero false positives. traband cellphones. Cellbuster’s Zone Protec- tor™ provides maximum protection for your envi- ronment by continuously scanning for cell phone and user selectable RF transmissions, and working along with  Zone Manager™, provides re- al-time alert notifications and also displays the sig- nal location on a map of your facility. (See how Cellbuster’s Zone Protector can protect your facility.) 69