Volume 30 Carbyne Carbyne systems integrate seamlessly and risk-free 2018 CHAMPIONS into any existing 911 legacy infrastructure, Edition provid- ing you with a system that goes beyond anything the public or private sector has seen before. For those in crisis situations, as many who call emergency services are, they need assistance immediately. • Platinum ‘ASTORS’ Award Win- ner • c-ALL No App Public Safety Communications • Best Mobile Technology Project • *Carbyne is also a 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Award WInner A multi-awarded national real-time emergency communication plat- form, Carbyne leads the most ad- vanced public safety technology for emergency infrastructure, acting as the ultimate solution for NG911 (next generation 911). Canon U.S.A. uniFLOW, imageR Team Carbyne accepting the company’s 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Having to download an app to talk to 911, even if it provides a more accurate location or the ability to stream video, is an almost im- possible task. (Carbyne is a next-gen Call handling platform, supported by a full ecosystem, encom- passing advanced IP based communication features, global infrastructure, and caller solutions.) With Carbyne’s c-ALL, citi- zens can now easily open a streaming live video directly to emergency ser- vices along with their ex- act location, and the ability to discreetly text with first responders, NO APP RE- QUIRED. 68