Please donate
With your support our programs can continue to build skills,
resilience and independence.
Assisi Aid Projects offers a range of methods for making donations. You can donate by:
1. Direct deposit into the Assisi Aid Projects account:
Please add your name as the reference. First time
donors please contact us with your address details
so that we can mail a tax receipt.
Account Name: Assisi Aid Projects Inc
BSB Number: 633 000
Account Number: 124429424
2. ONLINE: at and donate using your credit card.
3. CHEQUE: Please make out to Assisi Aid Projects Inc and mail to us along with this form.
4. DEBIT from a credit card (Visa and Mastercard only).
Card Number:
Bequests: leaving a legacy
Card Expiry Date:
Name (on card):
Assisi from time to time receives
bequests that help us make a
difference in the countries we work.
YOUR DETAILS: Please fill in your details below and return
so we can provide a receipt.
I would like to support Assisi Aid Projects with a:
Once-off donation of $
Regular donation of $
You can change the amount you donate
at any time by contacting us.
per month.
I would like my donation to be used to support (optional):
Projects in India
Projects in Cambodia
Assisi relies on the generosity of the Australian
public to enable us to continue working to
strengthen people’s own capacity to build
prosperous lives. Our funding comes from a
community donations, fundraising and bequests.
We also receive an annual allocation from the
Australian Government which is linked to the
amount we receive from Australian donors.
Bequests enable Assisi to support 'on-the-ground'
projects, and open the possibility of expanding
our work internationally.
By including Assisi in your Will, it is possible to
leave a legacy to ensure that people in need will
continue to receive the vital services that Assisi
provides. Leaving a bequest to Assisi is the ultimate
expression of compassion for the disadvantaged.
Please contact Assisi for more information.
Assisi Aid Projects: 247-251 Flinders Lane,
Melbourne VIC 3000 Tel: (03) 9650 1291
Email: [email protected]
Assisi Aid Projects is a signatory to the Australian Council for International Development Code of
Conduct, which defines minimum standards of governance, management and accountability for
non-government development organisations. Our voluntary adherence to the Code of Conduct
demonstrates our commitment to ethical practice and public accountability. Assisi is an
Australian AID accredited Non Government Organisation. REG: A0006479K ABN: 56511265170