Assisi Aid Projects Annual Report 2016 | Page 15

Update: Floating Education Center We are pleased to announce the opening of the floating Community Education Centre in Tasom Village, on the Tonle Sap lake, Cambodia. The opening event was held on October 5th, 2016. In attendance were parents, children, tuition teachers, savings group members and four staff from the Provincial Department of Education, including the Deputy leader. Pictured right: applause as the Deputy Leader promised to provide additional teacher training and text books for the education centre. The centre contains a library, eco-friendly toilets and a water filter to ensure children have access to clean drinking water. Prior to our project in 2012, children in Tasom village had no access to eduction due to their remote location. This centre provides a space for 33 children to attend daily classes. For the first time, children will have access to storybooks and be able to borrow books from a library. The toilet system stores faecal waste in the blue plastic containers until pathogens are dead, while liquid waste is filtered through the plants. The opening event was covered by Cambodia’s national broadcaster, TV Kampuchea and appeared on the evening news. Watch the segment online at: 15