Assessment questionnaires Final Assessment Report | Page 3

ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME From 6 to 10 teachers have been involved in the project at every partner school. We must bear in mind that every school is different and that the number of teachers and students involved in projects vary. Sometimes we also find it difficult to get other teachers involved in this kind of project. 1.1.2. Number of students involved in the project activities EXCELLENT All of the school students have been involved 0% GOOD Most of the students have been involved 100% MUST IMPROVE Some students have been involved POOR Only students travelling have been involved Most of the students the project was addressed to were involved in it. 1.1.3. Twinspace, participation and materials uploaded to the platform. EXCELLENT Twinspace created, all the materials have been uploaded with a good scheme and collaborative work and interaction among students and teachers has been very good. 0% 40% 60% GOOD Twinspace created, most materials uploaded but participation and interaction should improve. It has improved from last year as most materials have been uploaded to the platform. 2 2015-1-ES01-KA219-015682