Assessment questionnaires Final Assessment Report | Page 2

ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME Final Assessment Data Analysis The project coordinator proposed a set of assessment items for the final evaluation of the project. They were based on the assessment indicators stated in the project application form. All coordinators revised them and agreed on them. They were divided into progress indicators, integration of the activities in the school curriculum, innovation, dissemination, dissemination through social networks and local and international impact of the project. All of them were graded into excellent, good, must improve and poor. We also wrote a report on Year 1 of the project with goals to achieve in the second year. A google form questionnaire with all the indicators was filled in at our last transnational meeting and some points and conclusions were made by all coordinators and teachers involved in the project. The results are as follows: 1. PROGRESS INDICATORS 1.1.1. Number of teachers involved in the project activities. 20% 0% 40% 40% 1 2015-1-ES01-KA219-015682 EXCELLENT More than 10 teachers have been involved in the project activities. GOOD 6 to 10 teachers have been involved in the project activities. MUST IMPROVE 4 to 5 teachers have been involved in the project activities. POOR 1 to 3 teachers have been involved in the project activities.