Assessment questionnaires Final Assessment Report | Page 17

ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME 2.5. Local and international impact of the project. EXCELLENT There has been a good impact of the project on international educational institutions. 0% GOOD There are evidences of impact at European level. 40% 60% MUST IMPROVE There has been impact of the project at school and on the local community. POOR There has been impact only at school. This is one indicator that must improve. We have been working hard on it but we still have to find the way to reach a higher impact of the project. CONCLUSIONS This assessment was done in May so the project was not over yet and some outputs are not finished. We still must publish them in different types of platforms. All our products and outcomes are on the project website and on our Twinspace. We have made the assessment based on the indicators approved in the application. We have worked on every indicator and are quite happy with the results of the project, especially the CLIL units which have been hard to create. 16 2015-1-ES01-KA219-015682