Assessment questionnaires Final Assessment Report | Page 16

ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME 2.4. Dissemination through Internet and the social networks EXCELLENT Results and outcomes have been disseminated through different networks like: school webpage, Twinspace, Webpage of the project, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. 20% GOOD More than two social networks have been used but there hasn't been a constant activity along the project. 0% 80% MUST IMPROVE Only one social network has been used for disseminating the project. POOR No dissemination of the project through Internet and the social networks has been done. The project is on every social network: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. It has also been disseminated through our school websites, the project website and the eTwinning platform. We have published every activity we have done. 15 2015-1-ES01-KA219-015682