Aspire - LDS Business & Professionals' News NZ Issue #12, Aug 2015 | Page 6

LDS Self-reliance with the LDS Business & Professionals’ Association presents: Property Investment Seminar A FRIDAY NIGHT SEMINAR (series of 3) Where: LDS Institute & Self-reliance Centre - Ward St, Hamilton (opp Burger King) parking & entrance on Nisbet St - 7pm to 9pm 21st Aug :: 28th Aug :: 4th Sept 2015 P roperty investment has proved to be far and away the best wealth creator and retirement security for New Zealanders. For example, owning one rental property on retirement can return an extra $300 - $400 per week. Consider the difference this can make to a retirement lifestyle, travel or serving a mission. National Business Review Magazine annually puts together a top 100 Rich List for NZ. Interestingly, more than 50 % of these people have created their wealth through property! 1 Presenter: Laurence Day A s a young married man Laurence was supplementing his income by working nightshift in a plastics factory. He was astonished to find one of his co-workers was retiring at the age of 50. When asked how, the co-worker said he owned 10 rental properties plus his own home freehold. He was married, raised 5 kids and had never worked anywhere else but the plastics factory! Taking that as his inspiration, Laurence followed his example, invested in property and also retired at 50! In his seminars he makes liberal use of stories and anecdotes from his own experience. “I tell it warts and all,” says Laurence, “that way you can avoid making the same mistakes I did. Property is no get rich quick scheme but done right, it is a tried and proven way to build financial security and independence”. q 6 Seminar Friday 21st Aug 2015, 7:00pm Why property? 1. Leverage 2. Alternatives - Shares, Futures and Exchange Rate trading etc. 3. Security of Investment 4. Long term vs Short term 5. Investment vs Development 6. Residential vs Commercial 2 Friday 28th Aug 2015, 7:00pm Seminar Getting started in Property: 1. Ownership structures 2. What can I afford? Deposits, borrowings, securities, guarantees 3. Finding the right propert y - What to look for / What to avoid / Do up vs Done up 4. Putting together a deal. - What the seller wants! What the buyer wants! What the agent wants! 5. Tenants - How to get good ones, tenancy law, pitfalls 3 Friday 4th Sept 2013, 7:00pm Seminar Building your property portfolio 1. Risk vs Rewards 2. Equity vs borrowings 3. Capital gains, ROI 4. Cash flow ROI 5. The property cycle 6. Time and timing 7. Goals and targets