Aspire - LDS Business & Professionals' News NZ Issue #12, Aug 2015 | Page 5

letter from CHAIRMAN editor’s note Advertising: Please contact me if you would like to advertise in this magazine. Or maybe you would like a media rich eMag for your own business? Not sure how to integrate your newsletter and social media to attract new clients? Your own eMag will bring deeper engagement and further reach. Contact me for more details on how to get your 1st issue for free - 07 282 0201 President Gordon B. Hinckley, talks about the dangers of getting into debt. He describes several statistics that indicate the rapid increase of debt among Americans. He discusses the bondage of interest and the unrelenting pressure it puts on people. President Hinkley encourages principles of frugality and living within our means. He says that striving to free ourselves from the bondage of debt is a part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Mark Fantham Editor [email protected] Peter Skoludek Photographer 02040096178 Dorothy Dando Proof Reader [email protected] 5