Asian Geographic Issue 01/2019 (134) | Page 9

features environment issue PHOTO © SHUTTERSTOCK feature: the meat of the matter feature: thinking twice about travel 74 Achieving Cleaner Commutes Our burgeoning population is accompanied by an increasingly staggering number of motor vehicles on the roads. We look at the viability of some greener modes of land transport Asia has tried to adopt. 84 The Meat of the Matter Eating less meat is crucial to counteracting climate change. BY RACHEL KWEK feature: our battle for sustainability 38 Our Battle For Sustainability Statistics and observations have painted a dreary picture of the future of our environment. Can we win in our battle for sustainability? ABOVE An electric car charging on the street in Shanghai, China. ON THE COVER Plastics may already be a part of our diet. AsianGeo @asiangeographic @asiangeographic Photos: Shutterstock