Asian Geographic Issue 01/2019 (134) | Page 8

Chairman LIM Geok Khoon No. 134 • Issue 1/2019 CONTENTS PICTURESQUE 12 Natural Beauties E DI TOR I A L Publisher/Editorial Director John THET • [email protected] Editor KWEK Zhi Yin Rachel • [email protected] contributing Editor Terence KOH • [email protected] contributing Editor Ian BONGSO-SELDRUP • [email protected] editorial assistant Rajeswari VIKIRAMAN • [email protected] DE S IG N Senior Art director Benjamin CHEH Ming Hann • [email protected] Web/it Dutch CATALON • [email protected] A DV E R T I S I NG & M A R K ET I NG Business Development manager Jason TAN • [email protected] accounts managers Desmond HO • [email protected] Anne LOW • [email protected] project & events manager Ellfrance PHANG • [email protected] marketing manager Nora ISMAIL • [email protected] C I RC U L AT ION Senior traffic/production Manager Victor OW • [email protected] Reflections 80 The Vital Cycle Global nutrients, household opportunity 20 East or West: Which Is Greener? highlight geography 22 Sinking Cities culture 24 When Cultural Values Impact Environmental Behaviours nature 26 Coastal Clean-up wildlife 30 Glimpses into Singapore’s Crazy, Rich Shores SCIENCE 34 Have Micro and Nanoplastics Become Part of Our Diet? REVEALED 36 The Reality of Recycling Plastic CON T R I BU TOR S LIM Leong Kiat Nathaniel SOON Atem S RAMSUNDERSINGH YD Bar-Ness Mangai BALASEGARAM Andrew MARRIOTT FEATURE: THE VITAL CYCLE memories 94 Asians with a Purpose timeless 112 We are River Editorial Submissions • [email protected] Subscriptions • [email protected] Feedback • [email protected] 90 Changing the Face of Plastic Waste Although the world’s plastic consumption problem seems herculean to tackle (try coming to terms with the mind boggling amount of plastic we use and dump), these visionary companies believe that their sustainability solutions work and are set to change the face of plastic waste. heritage 92 Dressed by Nature Synthetic fabrics are ubiquitous in modern clothes but many of Asia’s traditional garments were made of natural fabrics that do not poison our environment. AG PASSPORT 96 Charming Wakayama Known for the Kumano Kodo trail, Wakayama is where nature is revered. AG JUNIOR 102 You Can Make a Difference Climate change is real and every one of us needs to play our part. Make a difference! Adopt these simple habits in your everyday life to stop hurting our planet! Copyright © 2019 by Asian Geographic Magazines Pte Ltd. No material may be reproduced without written permission. This publication is purchased with the understanding that information is presented from many sources for which there can be no warranty or responsibility by the publisher as to accuracy, originality, or completeness. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering product endorse- ments or providing instruction as a substitute for appropriate training by qualified sources. All content provided is accurate at the time of publishing. MCI (P) 008/08/2018; PPS 1367/04/2013 (022956) ISSN 0219-3310 Please recycle.