Asia After Dark May 2017 | Page 28

WHAT I S THE KEY TO YOUR SUCCESS? Havi ng the support of sponsors i s the key to success, as they gi ve the opportuni ty to i mprove the car, and absorb al l the runni ng costs. I am very l ucky to have the backi ng of our mai n sponsor UNI XX. They are fantasti c i n thei r support and we have great pl ans for the future. WHAT I S THE FUTURE? My goal s for thi s year are to create resul ts, I l i ke wi nni ng! I want to i ncrease our medi a exposure, as wel l as ai m at movi ng up a l evel to the top i n the raci ng worl d. To compete at the top l evel woul d be the ul ti mate goal ! TALKI NG OF TOP LEVEL, WHO I S YOUR FAVOURI TE DRI VER? Ki mi Rai kkonen AKA The I ce Man a Fi nni sh raci ng dri ver currentl y dri vi ng for Ferrari i n Formul a One. UNI XX - TR MOTORSPORT