Asia After Dark May 2017 | Page 27

UNI XX - TR MOTORSPORT Asi a After Dark got track si de wi th l ocal Raci ng Dri ver Thomas Ral dorf SO THOMAS, TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF? I am 46 years ol d, from Denmark and marri ed. I have a 12 year ol d daughter and have l i ved here i n Thai l and for 21 years. I ori gi nal l y came to Thai l and worki ng for a Travel Agency sel l i ng package tours to Dani sh customers. F ROM PACKAGE TOURS TO RACI NG CARS, HOW DI D THAT HAPPEN? I have al ways l oved raci ng cars. When I was 10 years ol d I was gi ven a membershi p for raci ng Motocross Bi kes. However, the day I went my bi ke was not ready. I rel uctantl y agreed to j ump i nto a Go-kart and try my hand at that and never l ooked back. My father was a raci ng dri ver so I guess i t was j ust meant to be, fol l owi ng hi s footsteps. I spent 26 years raci ng Go-Karts before swappi ng to raci ng cars whi ch I have done for the l ast 10 years now. WHO DO YOU DRI VE FOR? I have my own raci ng Team whi ch i s sponsored by UNI XX. Thi s year I wi l l be competi ng i n both the Thai l and Super Seri es and al so the TOYO-3K Champi onshi p. SI NCE RACI NG CARS WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR BI GGEST ACHI EVEMENT TO DATE? I n 2015 I managed a cl ean sweep wi nni ng the Dri vers Champi onshi p, the Team Champi onshi p and al so the Tyre Champi onshi p. Havi ng won al l of these Champi onshi ps I was awared the Royal Trophy, an award I am so very proud to have won as a raci ng dri ver.