Corporate Headquarters
Competition project, HCP Design Planning and Management, Ahmedabad (2013-14)
An Icon, a landmark, a symbol. That was the primary motif while conjuring up
the brief for the Corporate Headquarter building for Zydus Pharmaceuticals
in Gandhinagar, the state capital. But to go beyond it, the brief also emphasised as much on the building’s intended response to climate and sustainability as being a lasting icon.
A huge expanse of land in a developing neighborhood and flexible requirements afforded a great deal of freedom to try, experiment and innovate.
Figuring out the optimum space requirements and conjuring an ideal brief
before experimenting with the form and mass was a challenge, In order to
meet which a significant study and research was carried out.
Design Team: Dr. Bimal Patel (leader), Bobby Desai, Raman Aras , Ashish Khemchandani