ASH EDU 675 Entire Course NEW ASH EDU 695 Week 3 DQ 1 Critical Thinking and Prob | Página 2

First , choose a side from the two opposing viewpoints described above and discuss one of these two points :
a . Can the American education system afford assessments for deeper learning ? b . Can the American education system afford not to have such high-quality assessments ? Next , discuss if it is necessary to share assessment items , rubrics and 21st-century practices with fellow colleagues .
Guided Response : Respond to at least two peers . Find one peer who has the same argument you chose and one peer who chose the viewpoint you did not . Debate how your viewpoint is different . If your viewpoint is similar to that of your peers discuss the similarities . Evaluate your peers ’ responses to the use of multimedia resources with regard to critical thinking and problem solving . Though two replies is the basic expectation , for deeper engagement and learning , you are encouraged to provide responses to any comments or questions others have given to you , including the instructor . Responding to the replies given to you will further the conversation and provide additional opportunities for you to demonstrate your content expertise , critical thinking , and real-world experiences with this topic .