Western Cape
By: Vuyisani Ludidi
ASF Western Cape region managed to plant three trees across
Western Cape Province and managed to donate one more to the
Anglican Youth Federation (AYF).
Fortunately, ASF WC region has a
close working relationship with
the Diocese of Cape Town and all
its structures, amongst them are
the Green Anglicans. ASF WC approached Green Anglicans to
provide sponsorship for trees.
ASF WC did not only want to
plant trees for the sake of
planting trees, ASF WC wanted
to teach its members about the
state of our planet, effects of
destroying our planet, and how
we can sustain our planet for
future generations to enjoy.
Green Anglicans answered ASF
WC’s call for trees and liturgical
resources (which we obtained
through their website:
www.greenanglicans.org). With
their help, ASF WC managed to
plant a tree at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology’s
Bellville and Cape Town Campuses and at the University of the
Western Cape and also donated
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