ASEBL Journal Volume 11, Number 1 | Page 56

ASEBL Journal – Volume 11 Issue 1, January 2015 ANNOUCEMENTS ASEBL Journal, fully peer-reviewed, member of the Council of Editors of Learned Journals, indexed in the MLA International Biblography and Ebsco Host, is published every year around January. On occasion there might be a special issue. If you are interested in the journal please visit the blog (About tab) for complete information, mission, goals, aims and scope: You may contact the editor at [email protected], with ASEBL in the subject line, but do so only after you have carefully reviewed the About tab. Sister site: Sixth International Conference on Consciousness, Theatre, Literature and the Arts, St. Francis College, N.Y., 10-12 June 2015. Details: Third Moral Sense Colloquium expected Spring of 2017, St. Francis College, N.Y. to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the publication of Richard Alexander’s The Biology of Moral Systems. Information, a Call, and Updates will appear on the ASEBL blog beginning at some point in 2016. 56