ASEBL Journal Volume 11, Number 1 | Page 55

ASEBL Journal – Volume 11 Issue 1, January 2015 CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE Ryan O. Begley is a doctoral candidate in cultural anthroplogy at the Univeristy of Missouri, where he studies human sociocultural behavior from an evolutionary perspective. Primarily ethnological, his research includes generating and testing Darwinian explanations of human communication (as influence), with an emphasis on the long-term (evolutionary) effects of traditional stories/storytelling. Kathryn Coe, Ph.D., is Professor in the IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health, Indiana Unversity-Purdue University, Indianapolis. Her doctoral degree is in cultural anthropology and her research focuses on culture and evolutionary biology. The specific aspects of culture include traditional art, moral and legal systems, kinship systems, and mechanisms of cultural transmission. She has published over 80 peerreviewed papers on these topics. R.C. De Prospo has been a college and university teacher approaching forty years now, has published a book on Jonathan Edwards and co-edited a book on Harriet Beecher Stowe, has books forthcoming on Poe and early American literature, and has published numerous articles on early and nineteenth-century American literature and on literary theory. He is former Chair of the Humanities division and of American Studies at Washington College of Maryland, where he is currently professor of English. Edward Gibney is a writer and amateur philosopher who has published the novel Draining the Swamp, which explores political philosophy through a bureaucratic fable, as well as two short stories, Curiosity and Love of Learning, which were inspired by a list of personality strengths from positive psychology. He blogs about the evolutionary philosophy that inspires his fictional endeavours at Dustin Hellberg is an assistant professor in the Department of English Language and Literature, Yonsei University, Seoul. His novel, Sq