ASCE-NH Newsletter January 2022 | Page 13

February 2022 ASCE-NH Section Lunch & Learn Webinar Presented By : Theresa Andrejack-Loux , PhD , P . E . & Benjamin Cote , P . E ., ENV SP

SPEAKER ’ S BIO : Theresa Andrejack-Loux is the Chief Technical Officer for Aero Aggregates of North America , where her primary responsibilities include overseeing Aero ’ s research and development activities , technical documentation , engineering support , quality control program , and education and outreach efforts . Theresa brings to Aero over ten years of combined industry and academic experience . In the past , she has been involved in and managed a variety of civil , geotechnical , and geoenvironmental consulting and construction projects in the Mid-Atlantic United States . Additionally , Theresa has taught geotechnical and other civil engineering courses at Rowan , Drexel , Temple , and Bucknell universities , and is the current vice-chair of the ASCE Geo-Institute ’ s Delaware Valley Chapter .
Ben Cote is a Technical Sales Manager for Aero Aggregates , where he works alongside engineers , architects , owners , and contractors on lightweight fill applications in New England . Ben has 12 years of experience in ground improvement , instrumentation and monitoring , and geotechnical consulting . He is past-president of the Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers ( ASCE CT Chapter ), past-chair of the Connecticut Valley Geo-Institute , and lives with his wife Erin , three kids and two dogs in Colchester , CT .
12:00 pm – 12:50 pm
Q & A


Member / Non-Member : FREE & State / Municipal Employee : FREE

RSVP : By Tuesday , February 22 , 2022 Registration can be completed using the following registration webpage : http :// events . constantcontact . com / register / event ? llr = nfvkd8kab & oeidk = a07ej0d65x966034076 NOTE :

Instructions for joining the Webinar via Zoom will be provided after Event Registration

1.0-PDH has been assigned for attending this event ; must pre-register to receive PDH